Take action on any plant

We now have the ability to identify, locate and gather data on an individual plant in a field and to treat that data point differently to the one next to it.

Autonomous weeding and treatments

Autonomous weeding and treatments

Dick is our prototype weeding robot. Using the Per Plant Intelligence gathered by Tom, Dick can place a robotic arm above any chosen plant in the field. At this point we can deliver any technology as action.

Dick is currently in field trials for non-chemical weeding. It’s the best of all worlds - having an increased yield as well as minimal chemical usage through being more precise. 

Dick is in field trials

Precision treatment

Non-chemical weeding

Precision treatments

Reduced inputs

Target herbicide resistance weeds

Net Zero targets

Healthier soils

Prototype capabilities

Per Per Action will offer complete control over weed types, pests and provide a platform for planting.

Precision Planting

Precision Planting

Harry is our prototype precision planting robot for combinable crops. He is delivered to Technology Readiness Level 4. A drill punch-plants seeds at a uniform depth, making minimal soil disturbance. Harry is able to accurately record exactly where he has placed individual seeds, and feeds this data back to our AI platform Wilma.

Harry is at (TRL) 4

Precision planting

Biodiverse weeding

Not all weeds are a problem, but farming has had to take broad actions to protect the crop. Dick will use Per Plant Intelligence processed by Wilma to only target pernicious weeds such as Blackgrass. We can leave weeds that have a positive impact on the biodiversity of the field without impacting yield.


Crop Health and Protection (CHAP), Small Robot Company, COSMONiO and AV and N Lee have joined forces on SlugBot, the world’s first robotic monitoring and bio-molluscicide treatment system for slugs.

Autonomous precision applications of nematodes is a major technological milestone which will for the first time provide a post-metaldehyde future for farmers.