Farming that works for the farmer and the planet.

Our Tom robots will be rolling out to more locations. Register interest and start your path towards more profitable and sustainable farming.

Access an entirely new dataset

Tom gathers data on every plant

Tom scans the field, building an understanding of where every plant is and what each one needs to achieve optimal performance. Our AI models create treatment maps to advise customers on the best action to take.

Count plants

Assess crop health and performance to cut fertiliser costs

Detect weeds

Assess weed density information for no spray decisions and reduced herbicide use

How does it work?

Gain insights and use Tom's data to take action with your existing sprayer equipment.

Deploy a Tom robot

Each farmer receives Tom surveys over the course of the growing season. Surveys cover Green on Brown, Plant Detection, Biomass Assessment & Weed Detection.

Gain Per Plant Intelligence

Tom will accurately geolocate and analyse data on every plant in the field. We provide farmers with Per Plant visualisations and treatment maps.

Reduce inputs & increase productivity

Access data that will talks to a sprayer, enabling you to reduce the costs of your herbicide and fertiliser.


Current offerings:

  •  Winter wheat crop count and Per Plant visualisation

  •  Weed detection, geolocation and per plant imagery

  •  Glyphosate treatment sprayer export

  •  Herbicide treatment sprayer export

  •  Fertiliser treatment sprayer export

In development

Future offerings:

  •  Robotic non-chemical weeding

  •  Barley crop

  •  Soil insights

  •  Grass weed detection

  •  Grass weed classification (inc. blackgrass)

  •  Broadleaf weed classification

  •  Disease identification and fungicide treatment sprayer export

What are the benefits?

With our treatment maps you can save up to:

Herbicide costs

For broadleaf weeds when using a nozzle control sprayer compared to blanket spraying


Glyphosate costs

For pre-drill clearance using a nozzle control sprayer compared to blanket spraying

Fertiliser costs

Using a variable rate nozzle controlled sprayer compared to blanket spraying

Start your Per Plant journey

Start your path towards more profitable and sustainable farming.